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Color Coding

There is a very simple \(O^*(2^n)\) (the \(O^*\) notation suppresses polynomial factors) dynamique programming algorithm from the 70ties by Micheal Held and Richard Karp that solves the hamiltonian cycle problem. It was for a long time an open problem if one could solve the k-path problem in \(O^*(2^k)\). There now exists algorithms that actually beat this running time ([Williams2009],[Bjorklund2010]).

I want to focus here on a technique called Color Coding developed by Alon et al. [Alon94] in ‘94. It was the first time that the k-path problem was solved in \(O^*(c^k)\) for some constant \(c\). The technique is simple but very beautiful and can also be applied to other subgraph problems.

There are two phases to a color coding algorithm. In the first phase the graph gets randomly colored with a certain number of colors. With a non-zero probability the desired subgraph is colored in a certain manner. Dynamic programming is then used to find the well-colored subgraph.

In the case of k-path, we first color our graph \(G\) randomly with k colors (notice that it is not necessarily a proper coloring). A k-path (here a k-path is a path on k vertices) of our original graph is said to be well-colored if it uses all the k colors. If \(G\) contains a k-path, it gets well-colored with probability \(\frac{k!}{k^k} > \frac{1}{e^k}\). If \(G\) does not contain a k-path, then it does not contain a well-colored k-path. Suppose we obtain a \(f(n,k)\)-algorithm for finding a well-colored k-path in \(G\), this implies a \(e^kf(n,k)\) Monte-Carlo algorithm for k-path. By repeating this algorithm a constant number of times we can make the failure probability as small as possible. The problem therefore reduces to finding a well-colored k-path in \(G\).

For this goal the authors used dynamic programming. Let \(v \in V\) and \(S \subseteq 2^k\) and define Path\((v,S)\) to be \(True\) if there exists a well-colored path of length \(\vert S\vert\) ending in \(v\). The recurrence can then be stated as:

\[\begin{alignat*}{2} &\text{Path}(v, \{c_i\}) &&= True \text{ if } c(v) = c_i\ \ False \text{ o/w} \\ &\text{Path}(v,S) &&= \bigvee_{u \in N(v)} \text{Path}(u, S \setminus \{c(v)\}) \text{ if } c(v) \in S \ \ False \text{ o/w} \end{alignat*}\]

The complexity of the dynamic programming algorithm is \(O(2^kn^2)\). One therefore obtains a Monte-Carlo-algorithm for k-path running in \(O((2e)^kn^2)\).

The same can be applied to k-trees. The only thing that has to change is the dynamic programming algorithm. For this problem we are given \(G\) and a tree \(T\) of size k and the question is if \(G\) contains \(T\) as a subgraph (not necessarily induced). We will first root our tree \(T\) at some arbitrary vertex \(r\). This gives a unique orientation to every edge. We will denote by \(T^i_k\) the subtree rooted at \(i\) with the first \(k\) children and \(t^i_k\) the \(k^{th}\)-child of \(i\). We denote by \(d(i)\) the number of children of \(i\) in the rooted tree \(T\). Let Tree\((v,S,j,l)\) be \(True\) if there exists a copy of \(T^j_l\) rooted at \(v\) in \(G\) using the colors of \(S\). In particular this implies \(\vert S\vert = \vert T^j_k\vert\). The recurrence now becomes:

\[\begin{alignat*}{2} &\text{Tree}(v, \{c_i\}, j, 0) &&= True \text{ if } c(v) = c_i\ \ False \text{ o/w} \\ &\text{Tree}(v,S, j, l) &&= \bigvee_{\substack{u \in N(v)\\ S' \subseteq S}} \text{Tree}(v, S',j,l-1) \wedge \text{Tree}(u,S\setminus S',t^j_l, d(t^j_l)) \end{alignat*}\]

As one has to iterate over all the subsets of \(S\) for each state the running time of the dynamic programming algorithm is \(O(k^22^{2k}n^2)\) in this case. It should be noted that the above technique can be derandomized by constructing a family of functions \(\mathcal{F}\) from \([n]\) to \([k]\) , such that for every \(S \in { {[n]}\choose{k} }\) there exists a fucntion \(f \in \mathcal{F}\) that is injective on \(S\).

There is a very nice chapter about randomized methods like the above in the book Parameterized Algorithms by Cygan et al. [Cygan2015] from which this post is inspired. There is a free version available online if you are interested.

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