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$W[2]$-hardness of $k$-ESP

This is joint work with Christoph Dürr.

Let us first define the main problem of this post.

Eccentricity Shortest Path: Given a graph $G$ and two vertices $s$ and $t$, is there a shortest $s-t$ path with eccentricity at most $k$ ?

Here the eccentricity of a path is the maximal distance from any vertex to the path. The problem has been studied and most relevant questions have been answered by Dragan and Leitert [Dragan15_1,Dragan15_2]. The problem is \(NP\)-complete in the general case, but there is a dynamic programming algorithm running in \(n^{O(k)}\) for fixed \(k\). A question that remained open was if the \(k\)-Excentricity Shortest Path problem (\(k\)-ESP) becomes fixed parameter tractable when parameterized by \(k\). A fixed parameter tractable algorithm has running time \(f(k) n^c\) for some function \(f\) independent of \(n\) and some fixed constant \(c\). We give strong evidence that this is unlikely.

It suffices to give some reduction from some \(W[l]\)-hard problem, for some $l>0$, to \(k\)-ESP. In our case this will be the Hitting Set problem.

Hitting Set: Given $m$ sets over a universe of size $n$, the goal is to select $k$ elements of the universe such that every set contains at least one selected element.

The hitting set problem is \(W[2]\)-complete. For proving fixed parameter intractibility we could use \(f(k) n^c\) time for the reduction, but a simple polynomial reduction is sufficient in our case. Given an instance $I$ of the Hitting Set problem we construct a graph $G$ such that $G$ contains a k-ESP iff $I$ admits a hitting set of size $k$. The graph $G$ contains $k$ groups of $n$ vertices numbered 1 to $k$. The vertices of groups $i$ and \(i+1\) are connected in a complete bipartite manner. In addition, there is a vertex $s$ connected to all vertices of group 1 and a vertex $t$ to all vertices of group $k$. For every $S$ of the $m$ sets in $I$ we introduce a vertex $v_S$. For every element $i \in S$ there exists a path $P_{S,i}$ of length $k$ from $v_S$ to the vertex $i$ in each of the $k$ groups described above.

Now every shortest $s-t$ path has length $k+1$ and visits exactly one element of each group. Every shortest $s-t$ therefore defines a set $H$ of at most k vertices. It is not hard to verify that $H$ is a hitting set for $I$ iff the corresponding path has eccentricity at most $k$. This completes the reduction.

Illustration of the reduction

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